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by Cody McGowan, on Sep 25, 2020 1:51:00 PM

Are Solar Shingles a Sure Thing or a Concept Product? In a world where many people want the latest and greatest gadget, it’s hard to tell a “sure thing” from …

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Topics:Illinois Tax Creditsolar costSolar Panel Installation

by Cody McGowan, on Sep 24, 2020 2:44:00 PM

Summit Solar Systems Come with Several Excellent Warranties for Your Peace of Mind When you buy a car, what’s the first thing you want to know before paying for it? …

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Topics:Solar Panel CostSolar Panel InstallationRoof Warranty

by Cody McGowan, on Sep 23, 2020 12:21:00 PM

Let Summit Solar’s Roofing Division Make the Process Easy for You. If you’re a homeowner who already has solar panels, and you’d like to replace your roof, don’t fret — …

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Topics:Solar PanelsRoof Replacement

by Cody McGowan, on Sep 22, 2020 1:34:00 PM

Here’s Why Homeowners Receive Tax Incentives For Installing A Solar Energy System. There are many benefits for homeowners who decide to switch to solar energy for their homes. Not only …

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Topics:Illinois Tax CreditITC

by Cody McGowan, on Sep 21, 2020 8:03:00 AM

Learn Why Virtually No Maintenance Is Needed. You’re thinking about going solar. A valid question that pops into your head is wondering what maintenance comes with having a solar system …

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Topics:Solar PanelsSolar MaintenanceSolar Monitoring

by Kelly Anderson, on Sep 18, 2020 5:15:00 PM

The Panel Lifespan We Can Guarantee As a solar installer, one of the top questions we get asked is, “How long do solar panels last?” If you’re investing in a …

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Topics:Solar PanelSolar Panel Installation

by Cody McGowan, on Sep 16, 2020 5:37:35 PM

More and More People are Starting to Use Solar Panels Combined With Home Batteries Energy storage and saving money are important topics for today’s homeowners. Have you ever thought about …

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Topics:Solar PanelsBatteries

by Cody McGowan, on Aug 21, 2020 11:55:00 AM

Don’t Let an Old Roof Prevent You from Getting Solar Panels. Here’s What to Do. You’ve finally decided to install a solar panel system. Great! The decision will help you …

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Topics:Shading AnalysisSolar Panel InstallationRoof Replacement

by Cody McGowan, on Aug 19, 2020 2:11:00 PM

Illinois Gets Very Cold in the Winter. Will Your Solar Panel System Be Less Efficient? When you hear the word “solar,” your first thought is probably the sun, which is …

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Topics:Solar PanelsCold WeatherHot Weather

by Kelly Anderson, on Aug 14, 2020 7:59:00 AM

Is It A Problem If My House Doesn’t Face South? If you’ve done any research on home solar panels, you may have come across the advice that panels should go …

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Topics:Solar PanelsCold Weathersolar installation