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DIY Solar Panel Installation: Is It The Best Choice?

by Cody McGowan, on Sep 30, 2020 8:13:00 AM

DIY Solar Panel Installation

5 Reasons to Use a Certified Installer for Solar Panel Installation

Are you handy at doing home improvement projects? It’s a rewarding hobby and an excellent skill to develop. Regardless of the project, online sites like YouTube have countless videos on how to become an “expert” at something. The person on the other side of the video makes it look easy. But if you’ve been a DIYer for long enough, you know that looks can be deceiving. Learning a new skill takes years to perfect. And some skills are harder to learn than others.

If you’re thinking about installing a solar panel system on your home and doing it yourself, read this blog. Here, we discuss five reasons to consider hiring a professional solar installer instead. When you rely on Summit Solar, we offer a competitive rate and a great value.

SEE ALSO: Does Your Solar Installer Do This?

1. Professional Shading Analysis

It’s likely that you don’t have the technology or expertise to run a complete shading analysis. This is essential because it shows if a solar panel system on your home will be efficient. Summit Solar delivers a detailed shading analysis before you decide to buy. We’ll tell you how much sun your home gets throughout the year. Most importantly, we’ll show the potential savings your system could produce.

2. Long-Term Performance Analysis

Many factors go into determining the long-term performance of a solar power system. Using state-of-the-art industry tools, Summit Solar determines how your system will perform over the next 20 years. Roof placement, changes in the sun’s position each year, tree growth, and solar power usage all come into play. Before installing your solar system, we run these reports so you can see the actual return on your investment. If you like what you see, we begin the process.

3. Guarantee of System Performance

Why do you use a licensed mechanic to repair your car? It’s because you know they are experienced, and they’ll do it right the first time. If you perform the repair yourself, do you have the same confidence? Unless you are a practiced amateur mechanic, probably not. When you trust Summit Solar for solar panel installation, you can rest assured that your system will perform at maximum efficiency. Not only is this good from an energy-saving perspective, but financial incentives for solar power are based on performance. An inefficient system does not qualify for money-producing incentives.

4. Permitting, Schematics, and Other Hassles

Any construction project requires permitting, blueprints, and other paperwork to begin. If you’ve had to do it before, you know it can be a source of frustration. Why waste time and energy going through all the red tape? Summit Solar has been in the industry for many years, and we have installed hundreds of solar panel systems for homeowners. As soon as we get the go-ahead from you, we start the paperwork, prepare for construction, and get ready for the one-day installation of the system on your home. We move efficiently, so you won’t worry about a thing.

5. You Need a Warranty

Something as important as a solar panel system must include a warranty. The problem is if you install it yourself, the manufacturer’s warranty will be null and void – unless you are a certified installer. The team at Summit Solar is certified, licensed, and experienced. That means the manufacturer’s warranty remains active for 20 to 25 years, depending on the product used. We also include a 10-year workmanship warranty and a 5-year penetration warranty. You’ll have complete peace of mind knowing your solar system will provide years of power, and if anything should happen, the repair is covered.

Do it the right way by having Summit Solar install your solar panel system? Get started today by calling 888-884-3557 or requesting a quote. We look forward to hearing from you!

Topics:solar installationSolar IncentivesShading Analysis
